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Учебное судно «Presidente Sarmiento»
Характеристики: 2733 т; 76,6×13,2×7,1 м, 2 ПМ, 4 ПК, 2800 л.с; 15 уз; 330 т угля, 4500 (10) миль. Эк. 294 чел. 3×1 — 120-ММ/45, 1×1 — 102-мм, 2 — 57-мм, 2 — 47-мм, 3×1 — 450-мм ТА.
Трехмачтовое судно английской постройки с парусным вооружением корабля. Корпус в подводной части обшит медью (на деревянной подклалке). В составе ЭУ использовались ПК трех разных типов: 1 Никлосса, 1 Ярроу и 2 огнетрубных. Прошло ремонт и модернизацию в 1926 г. Предназначалось для обучения до 400 каде-тов. Исключено из состава флота в 1961 г. Сохраняется в качестве музея.
This historic ship had made over 35 travel of education, because it operated, between 1898 and 1939, as a school of the Argentine Navy.
It was built by the engineer Bevis as a modern ship of war, but then the objectives changed. His name “Fragata Presidente Sarmiento” is in honor to the president who ruled Argentina at that time (1897).
It was known by several historical personages, including the “Kaiser Guillermo II”, the “Zar Nicolas II.” Also, it participated in the coronations of some kings of England and Spain.
It is said that it sailed all kind of waters and the distances traveled are equivalent to more than 40 laps to the world.
In 1961 by his great history, was converted into a museum. Currently, is in the dam three of Puerto Madero and continues operating as a gallery exhibition.
A.R.A. Presidente Sarmiento of the Womens Bridge in Buenos Aires, Argentina