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Russian & Soviet Steamrers on Danube

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#1 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 23 Декабрь 2006 - 02:32

Russian built ribverine ships on Danube 1919-1945
None listed 1921

ANNA iron screw tug (1897) built Cherson
11nrt 19,35x3,75x2,40x1.80 90hp compound = 12km/h
1921 reg Braila 11,5t 28nhp
1931 Mihail Daniel, Braila

STEFAN CEL MARE iron 2 screw tug (1864) built Sevastopol
29nrt 29,61x494x1,78m Compound 180hp=
1931 Primaria, Cetatea Alba

ATHINA ex RUSUD iron screw tug (1915) built Russia
45nrt 30,00x7,00x2,30 Compound 130hp=18km/h
1931 Periandos Kiriakidis , Braila (Greek flag)

EUGENIA ex MIR iron paddle tug (1909) built Kiev or Gomel
67nrt 44,00x5,60x2,40x0,90m Compound 280hp=20km/h
1931 Robert Anatra & Co, Braila (Italian flag)
1940 SINDA (Societa Italiana di Navigazione Danubiana)

HRISTOFOROS iron screw tug (?) built Russia
10nrt 24,50x4,30x2,10x1,65m 2 engines compound 150hp=18km/h
1925 rebuilt
1931 Constantin Galatis, Braila (Greek flag)

SYRIN iron screw tug (1905) built Cherson
27,00x5,50x4,50x2,10m Compound 210hp=15km/h
1931 Gh. Luludis & Er.Luludis , Bucasresti (Greek flag)
1940 SYRON (Greek flag)

MARAMURES heck paddle tug (1898) built Russia
51nrt 31,00x4,90x2,301,62 280hp=17km/h
1930 SH (Servicul Hidraulic Roman)
1940 SH (Servicul Hidraulic Roman)

HORIA paddle iron (1903) built Kiev
190nrt 44,25x4,78x2,23 180hp
1930 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti

TURDA paddle passenger ship (1908) built Kiev
t 42,00x4,90x2,10x0,80m 100hp=18km/h 200 passengers
1930 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti
1941 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti

ZIMBRUL paddle tug (1916) Kiev
213nrt 45,90x5,90x2,00x0,90 Triple Expansion 250hp (1941) 340hp=
1930 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti
1941 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti

In 1921 is listed
BOGATIR (1912) tug 213t 200hp reg.Braila


#2 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 23 Декабрь 2006 - 22:09

From Russian 1909-10 registers:

MIR 1909 built Gomel own shipyard
cargo-passengership 140x35/19x7(h)x
1 compound 1 boiler 50nhp/150ihp by Yuzhno-Mashinostroit, Kiev
Passsengers: 52-I 67-II 257-III Class
Owned D. i L. Amitiny, I.L.Bruk & I.Sh.Shteyn, Gomel (Dniepr)
later then EUGENIA

NADEZHNYY 1909 Gomel own shipyard
cargo-passengership-tug 144x35/18x7ft6inx3/5a
1 compound 1 boiler 40nhp/100ihp by Dneprovkiy.Mashinostroit, Kiev
Passsengers: 38-I 62-II 180-III Class
Owned Sh.I.Kanel, Sh.Z.Varshavskiy i Ko., Novogeorgevsk (Dniepr)
perheps later TURDA


#3 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 23 Декабрь 2006 - 22:51

Schlepper 200 PS
( Privater Reeder ) > Roberto Anatra, Braila ( it. Flagge ! )
09.09.43 Auf der rumänischen Donau durch Rumänien beschlagnahmt
Von der KM – Gruppe Süd gleich gefordert zum Umbau als Minenräumboot für die
Von Rumänien für den Bugsierdienst in Giurgiu frei gegeben unter rumänischer
Flagge mit rum. Marinebesatzung.

I have found info tahta PETROPZAVODSK ex EUGENIA ex MIR served till 1970s on the Danube river.

Perheps somebody knows Soviet Danube ships seized in 1944 & 1945.


#4 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 24 Декабрь 2006 - 21:00

I have some more data about BOGATIR
In 1920-1 extant as
BOGATIR (1912) tug
213t 52,40x6,35m 200hp reg.Braila
owned Z.Scheinberg & Co.; Chisinau

A photo of her from
Christian Craciunoiu
Low Danube Paddle Steamers Bucharest 1995

In this book there is another interesting steamer
CAETATEA ALBA built 1894
46,50x5,30m owned NFR
So look she as converted from toog into passenger ships

In 1930 register mentioned as built in Königsberg.
162rt 46,50x5,30x2,10x0,70m Compound 300hp=20km/h

She could be one of two paddle steamers built 1894 for Kiew
by G.Fechter, Königsberg.: NEVA and LERMONTOV ex YAKOR


#5 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 24 Декабрь 2006 - 21:19

There is another steamer obn Danube 1931

SOROCA paddle iron passenger (1916) built Kiev
243nrt 47,85x6,00x2,25 Compound 180hp=20 km/h 300 passengers
1930 NFR (Navigatia Fluivala Romana); Bucuresti
1941 not listed


#6 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 25 Декабрь 2006 - 03:32

Steamers built in Kherson:
Any of them landed on Danube ????

Builder unknown
REZVYY 1897 80hp ex Custom boaat after 1920 Soviet
BOYKIY 1898 80hp ex Custom boaat after 1920 Soviet
EFRAT 1909 75hp tug-passenger (built own forces)
VERA-NADEZHDA 1910 cargo auxiliary motor 50hp escaped
PASHA 1911 cargo auxiliary motor 50hp escaped
SV.SERGIY 1916 tug 600hp after 1920 Soviet

Built Boreshcheamov
INZHENER 1909 tug 115hp after 1920 Soviet
TIGR 1909 all prrposes 72hp after 1920 Soviet
DZHIGIT 1911 icebreaker 210hp after 1920 Soviet
MORZH 1913 icebreaker 160hp escaped

Built Vadon
DRUG ? tug wooden screw 16hp ???
LASTOVHKA ? Towing launch 2nhp ???
SMELYY 1883 tug wooden screw 24hp ???
KRYM 1885 carg-passenger 21hp ???
BORIS ex KAIR tug 24hp ???
VOIN 1885 tug 49hp ???
DAGMARA 1889 tug 75hp ???
INGULETS 1889 cargo-passenger 25hp ???
EL'SI 1889 tug 90hp after 1920 Soviet
MARI 1891 tug 36hp ???
SOKOL 1891 cargo-passenger 45hp ???
ELISAVETA 1892 tug screw wooden 24hp ???
LOTSMAN 1893 service twin screw 14nhp ???
TELEFON 1893 tug 60hp ???
DRUZHNYY 1895 tug 90hp after 1920 Soviet
KHORTITSA 1895 tug-passenger launch 8nhp ???
VIKTORIYA 1895 tug 28hp ????
NIKOLAY 1895 tug-passenger 75hp ???
GRIZNYY 1896 cargo-passenger 90hp ???
LELYA 1898 tug 12nhp ???
ALEKSANDR 1899 tug-passenger 80hp ???
ZHANNA 1900 passenger 8nhp ???
NINA 1900 service boat 7nhp ???
DEZHURNYY 1904 cutter after 1920 Soviet
ALEKSANDR VADDON 1905 tug 160hp after 1920 Soviet
BOYARIN 1906 cargo-passenger 100hp after 1920 Soviet
KETI 1908 cutter 12hp ???

Built Litovich
MERKURIY 1898 tug 200hp ????
ARGONAVT 1907 tug 80hp after 1920 Soviet
ZHELANNYY 1909 cargo-passenger 35hp ????

Built Siozito
ATAMAN ex OTTMAN 1890 120hp ????
MIKHAIL ex ORLIK ex 1901 tug 56hp ???

Various small shipyards
O'LGA 1895 built Lukashev) tug 24hp ???
MOGUCHIY 1892 (Built Korol) tug 48hp ???
MAUSYA 1904 built Petrechenko 40hp ???
YURI 1899 built Tikhonov tug 300hp escaped
OKHOTNIK 1909 built Zeysin service 2nhp ???
RAZSVET 1886 built Volokhin tug 100hp ???


#7 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 26 Декабрь 2006 - 18:34

There also two ships reported built by
Vadon ,Odessa
EREMAK ex KONKA 1890 36ihp cargo-passenger-tug
GETMAN 1905 120ihp cargo-passenger
both owned by S.S.T.Balkov (Dniepr )
I do not know if Vadon also built ships in Odessa, perheps re-assebled here , etc.


#8 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 29 Декабрь 2006 - 20:37

Could be one of above ?

Iron padle cargo-tug 50nhp/150ihp=8kts MPS #122
1888 built Zavod Brianskago rel'sop. o-va, Bezhitsa, Bryansk
1888 1 Compound engined & 1 locomotive boiler Zavod Brianskago
144,36grt/17,05nrt 133x32ft8in/16ft11inx7ft5in(h)x2,5/2,75ft
1892 SHEVCHENKO A.T. & I. Doborovy (Dnestr)
1897 B.A.Mess (Dniepr)
1900 I.A.Kovalyenko & R.R.Vebster
1906 I.A.Kovalyenko & R.R.Vebster
1914 Ruuskoe Dunayskoe Parokhopdstvo , Reni #120
2.1918 seized by the Rumanians on Pruth River


#9 Andreas von Mach

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Отправлено 30 Декабрь 2006 - 23:02

The Soviet 1922 Register listed 23 ships which should be from

Russkoe Dunayskoe Parokhodstvo

They could be only ships seized or mobilised on the Danube durig WW I


Iron Screw Tug
1894 built England (not yet traced) or 1884 ???
150grt/0nrt 93,1x16,6x9,4x8,9/9ft 300ihp=8-19kts
Russkoe Dunayskoe Parokhodstvo reg Odessa #?
1917 EON (Ekspeditsya Osobnogo Naznacheniya) Donau Flotilla
15.6.20 mobilised Red Fleet enlisted as gunboat No.8
1.1.21 enlisted as gunboat No.4
29.5.21 demobilised transferred to Black Sea Salvage Group
17.3.22 renamed FOROS
LR 30/31 FOROS [ON4] Steel 102/0 built 1894, unknown shipyard
90,1x17,4x9,3 T3cyl.
Sovtorgflot, Odessa
15.10.41 left in Odessa
refloated DMO 1 Kriegsmarine
29.8.44 recaptured at Kanstanca
23.3.46 MMF sea trade ministerium
10.8.48 Odessa shipyard im A.Marti
1950s scrapped

Iron Screw Tug
1901 or 1902 built South Shields
102,46grt/46,28nrt 106x19x8,5x8/9,6ft
3 exp 375hp=10-12kts
Russkoe Dunayskoe Parokhodstvo reg Renni
1914 Mobilised EON (Ekspeditsya Osobnogo Naznacheniya) Donau Flotilla
11.8.20 mobilised Red Fleet
22.8.20 enlisted as gunboat No.6
1.1.21 enlisted as gunboat No.2
29.5.21 demobilised transferred to Black Sea Salvage Group
17.3.22 renamed ALUPKA
1929 general repairs
LR 30/31 ALOUPKA [ON21] Steel 103/42 built 1902, unknown shipyard
101,7x19,2x8,5 T3cyl. Boilers made 19 - fitted ?
Sovtorgflot, Odessa
30.1.31 Norkomvod
1.1.39 listed as Odessa harbour vessel
9.4.39 NKMF (merchant)
8.7.40-12.9.40 Odessa Naval Base
merchant tug
19.07.41 she included in structure the Soviet Navy/Chernomorky Flot (the Fleet of the Black Sea)
15.10.41 she blown up by her crew in Odessa because of impossibility of a conclusion in ports of Caucasus (under repair?)
9.7.41-30.11.44 Novorossiysk naval base
21-23.09.41 participation in landing force in area Grigor'evka
07.12.41she included in structure the Soviet Navy/Chernomorky Flot (the Fleet of the Black Sea)
03-09.02.43 participation in landing force in area Juzhnaja Ozerejka
( In one document of the General staff USSR: 04.02.43 sunk by the German by coastal artillery, but probably it is a mistake)
16. 09.44 she excluded from structure the Soviet Navy
23.3.46 MMF sea trade ministerium
15.3.53 MMRF river trade (fleet) ministerium
25.8.54 MMF sea trade ministerium
1960s scrapped

Iron Paddle Tug
1894 Built & engined Howaldswerke, Kiel , Germany #290
265grt/135nrt 42,67x7,01x3,25m 300hp=12kts
1894 FRATELLI B.MENDL Fratelli B.Mendl, Breila /RU
1911 FRATELLI B.MENDL Fratelli B.Mendl,Triest /AH
18.9.15 seized by Russians at Brailova and taken to Reni
15.3.16 NAGENMOR auxilairy steamer Russian Danube Flotilla
operated by Russkoe Dunayskoe Parokhodstvo reg
14.7.17 despatch vessel Russian Danube Flotilla again mobilized
1.18 turned to Reds
2.18 reported left on Danube and taken by Rumanians (Berezhnoy)
but in Soviet register
1922 SUKHOM Mortran
1936/7 SUKHOM Azovkoe Parakhodstvo



#10 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 31 Декабрь 2006 - 13:21

I have a list of
Russkoe Dunayskoe Parokhodstvo (Knyaz gagarin)
from The Belgian Shiplover
if you are interested in I can prepare it for the forum.

All the best for 2007 for all sailors and naval architects , as I am.

Best wishes

Andreas von Mach

#11 Алексей Сёмин

Алексей Сёмин


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Отправлено 31 Декабрь 2006 - 13:27

Thank you, Andreas.

It would be very interesting to see here detailed biography of RDP ships.

With best regards, Aleksey Syomin

#12 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 01 Январь 2007 - 21:49

I have put here tghe orginal text
Corrections and additrions will be done i the future:




by P. WARNECK (BNRA/Brussels).

In the frame work of her policy of expansion in the Balkans end towards Constantinople end also in order to liberate the Slav Christians of the Balkans from Ottoman rule Russia waged war against Turkey in I877-~8. By the Treaty of Berlin (1878) Russia recovered Bessarabia (which she had lost after the Crimean War) end the borders of Russia ware, once again, established on the Pruth end the Lower Danube~ rivers. Further, Rumania and Serbia (which had been autonomous Principalities for some 20 years) became independent states, thus breaking off all allegiance to the Porte, end Bulgaria obtained autonomous status but was in fact quasi independent.

In 1881 Prince Gagarin, established a service of steamers from Odessa to Ismail end the other Russian ports on the Lower Danube.

In 1883 the Russian Government decided to subsidize the line since it was an asset to Russian presence and influence in Bulgaria, Rumania end Serbia. One of the conditions set by the anthooties was the extension of the service to Sistovo (Bulgaria).

In 1886 the venture became a limited company, under the name of the BLACK SEA DANUBE Steamship Co. , with a capital of 1.200.000 rubbles (equiv. to $ 600.000) in 1880.

The development of the line was no easy task since its means ware rather limited and also because it encountered strong competition from Austro-Hungarian end Rumanian companies (also subsidized by their respective Government~.) as wall as from small Greek ship owners with low operating costs (the Danube had been declared an international waterway in 1856 end all countries whether riparian or not, enjoyed apral navigation rights).

To help the Company, the Russian Government bought up (in 1891) the new .shares, which corresponded to an extension of I million rubbles of the firm's capital, on the condition that a representative of the Ministry of Finance would henceforth have a seat on the board of directors.

However the Company's business remained far from prosperous end Government help had to be extended. In 1891 a special subsidy was given to acquire a ship, to establish a line across the Black See from Batum (Caucasus) to Galatz (Rumania). The purpose of this new line was to foster the export of petroleum from the Caucasian oilfields to Europe via the Danube.

In spite of increased Government help the Company kept on losing money end it even became apparent that it would have to be wound up.

For the practical reasons stated above, the Russian Government then decided take over the Company end to run the services itself. An Imperial Decree of .March 23rd. I9�3 set up the RUSSIAN DANUBE STEAr1 NAVIGATION Co. as e State concern. The ships end share establishments of the former Company ware taken over.

A period of expansion now set in :
-new units, better suited to service on the Danube end the Black Sea, were acquired.
- the shore establishments (warehouses) ware enlarged at the main ports of call out side Russia's; at Sistovo (Bulgaria) end Kladovo (Serbia) petrol storage tanks were built.
- a ship repairing and servicing yard was set up at Reni (situated at. the confluence of the Pruth end Danube Rivers).

-the number of lighters was considerably increased by having large iron units (of same 900 ton burthen) end tankers built.

In 1913 the Company ran the following regular services:
- Nikolaev to Odessa end Odessa to Galatz (with two modern passenger ships).
- Odessa to Sistovo with one passenger end cargo vessel ).
- Reni to Kledovo (with 4 paddle steamers towing trains of barges and lighter-tankers)
- Reni to Odessa (with trains of towed lighters-sometimes as many as 20 et a time. ~~
The main commodity transported on this line was wheat from Bessarabia which was sent to Odessa for export, mainly to Western Europe. This wheat was collected along the Pruth by smaIl barges (towed by small tugs and, at tirnss, by bullock teams).
- Akkerman (on the Dniestr) to Odessa (mainly with wheat) .
- A number of services between points on the Lower Danube
- A cargo service along the Southern coast of the Black Sea from Galatz to Batum,
via Bulgarian. and Turkish ports.

When Serbia was invaded by Austria-Hungary et the outbreak of the first World War
, she was isolated from the other Allies, having no land frontiers with any country of the Entente and as Rumania remained neutral (until August 1916), Russia could not send arms end supplies
over the Rumanian railway net. However the Danube international waterway, .remained open.

The R.D.S.N.'s ships end lighters were requisitioned and, together with a number of units from other Russian river flotillas, it became part of a military organisation known as "EON" under
the commend of Captain Veselago, Imperial Russian Navy, his assistant Ermakov had been the General manager of R.D.S.N. in peace time end he soon proved to be an excellent organizer..
Since the Austro-Hungarian Navy maintained a strong flotilla on the Danube monitors, gunboats, etc.) the Russian merchant ships end lighters were formed into convoys of same 2f.1 to 25 units escorted by armed steamers end two armoured motor launches. To allay the Rumanian protests against this infringement of their mentality, the armoured launches were fictitiously sold to the
R.D.S.N., the Russian Naval ensign being replaced by the Russian merchant flag.

During the closing months of 1914 five convoys ware run through bringing the beleaguered Serbian Army substantial assistance: same 115.000 rifles, ammunition, mines (to be used against Austrian Shipping on the Danube end the Sava), torpedo tubes end. torpedoes (together with specialized personnel from the Imperial Russian Navy ) and a battalion of Russian
Army engineers
These convoys came to an end when Bulgaria sided with the Central Powers (Oct. 1915). Serbia was then truly :isolated from her allies.

During 1916 and 19I7 the R.D.S.N. units ware most useful in tackling with the logistics problems of the Russian end (later) Rumanian troops operating on the Lower Danube.

After the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the region (a consequence of the Revolution end of the Treaty of Brest-Litowsk), the shore establishments end a number of the Company's vessels ware seized by the advancing Austro-Hungarian Army. After Austria-Hungary's collapse, in late 1918, these assets ware taken over by the Rumanians.

Same of the larger steamers served with the White Russian Army of Generals Denikin end Wrangel during the Civil War end assisted in the evacuation of Odessa end Sebastopol in 1920. These units were later sold abroad.

1. s/s IZMAIL 384 1880 Osbourne, Graham, Co ,Sunderland
80-82 HARALD ROPNER owner unknown - Br/
82-84 FEDOR R. Rodokanaki Odessa Ru/
84-86 1ZMAIL Prince Gagarin-. "Odessa Ru/
86-03 lZfl1A1L .' B.S.D.St Nav. Odessa . Ru!
9. 03-05 IZMA1L R.D.St Nav. Dd~sse Ru/
1905 sold.
06-10 IZMA1L Litchkobade & Co Odessa Ru/
I0-12 IZMA1L Skulte, Levin Odessa . Ru/
12-15 IZMA1L Meshuru Odessa Ru/
15-17 IZMAIL Falz Fein Odessa . Ru/ .
1916 Transport N 118 Black Sea Fleet
28.01.17 wrecked during heavy weather at Tshoroh Su

2. s/s. OLGA 201 1873 Blake &. Co, Northf'leet
13- 7 MIGNONETTE owner. unknown
?-84 OLGA P. Gazin Odessa Ru/
84-B6 ' OLGA Prince Gagarin Odesse Ru/
86-95 OLGA B.S.D.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
1895 converted into barge.

3. paddle steamer . TCHERNOGORIJA 75 1882 Budapest
82-86 TCHERNOGOR1JA Prince Gagarin Reni N 9 Ru/
86-03 .TCHERNGGORIJA B.S.D.St Nav. Ren! Ru/
9.03-04 TCHERNOGORIJA R.D.St Nav. Ren! Ru/
04-20 ~TCHERNOGCRIJA Varvarov Reni Ru/
8.11.20 se!zed by Soviet Government at Kertch
no further information .

4 ss. RUS (1) 7J4. .1886 Stablimento Tecnico Trieste
86-03 RUS . .B..S.D.St Nev. Odesse RU/
9.03-06 RUS R.D.St NeV. Odesse RU/
I906 sold
05-I2 RUS Dicman . Odessa Ru/
12-I5 BUS Varvarov . Odessa Ru/
15-20 RUS M.E.Edelstein Odessa Ru/
'no further information

5. s/s. BOLGARIJA 617 1886 Wingham Richardson, Newcastle .
line Odessa- Sistovo .
85-03 BOLGARIJA B.S.D.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
9.03-15 BOLGARIJA R.D.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
10. 15-21 ADMIRAL KASHERININOV .R.B.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
1921 sold at Constantinople
21-25 ISTIKBAL MILLI HU8sein Zedsler Consten~inople Tu/ .
25-35 YENl 8ANDERIVJA ~. Tu/ J
1938, RLR =removed from Lloyd �s Register

6. pd.s. RUMYN1JA 180 1889 Jones, L!verpool
89-03 RUMYNIJA 8.S.,jSt Nav. Reni N 11 Ru/
9. 03-17 RUMYN1JA R.D.St Nav. . Reni Ru/
29.09.14 commissioned EON. Armed steamer: 3-75 rn/rn., 4-47 rn/m
29.09.14 commissioned EON. Armed steamer: 3-75 rn/rn., 4-47 rn/m
9. 17-22 SULIN R.D.ST Nav. Odessa Ru/
1922 sold at Constantinople for BU. .

7. pd.s. GRAF 1GNAT1EV 205 1889 Jones, Liverpool
89-03 GRAF IGNATIEV B.S.D. St Nav. Odessa Ru/
9. 03-20 GRAF 1GNATIEV R.D.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
29.10.I4 commissioned EON. Armed St : 3-75 rn/rn., 4-47'm/mJ 4 MG
3.17 minesweeper Black See fleet. ' ,
28.09.20 White Army Fleet. Bunk by mine with all hands near Belosaraiskaja ( See of Azur)

8. pd tug BESSARABEC 286 1891 Howaldswerke, Kiel.
, 91-03 BESSARABEC B.S.O.St Nav. Reni N 86 Ru/
9.03-18 BESSARABEC R.D.St Nav. Ren! Ru/
3. 08~18" . captured at Reni by KUK TEMES ,
18-18 BESSARABEC sweeper Black Sea Fleet Ah/
10-18 abandoned by Austrians et Odessa
9.02-20 seized by Soviet Government.
6.20-21 BESSARA8EC minesweeper Red Navy Ru/
21-? OTSHMTSHIRY Sovtorgflot . Ru/

9. pd tug SERB1JA 142 1869 Bremen
69-91 owner unknown
91-03 SERBIJA B.S.D.St Nav. Ren! N 87 Ru/
9.03-18 SERBIJA R.Q~St Nev. Reni Ru/
. 2.18 abandoned lower Danube. Taken by Rumanians.
No f.urther information.

10. s/s. KNJAZ GAGAR1N 849 I891 . Howaldswerke, Kiel N 232
line Gala tz - Batum. "

91-03 KNJAZ GAGAR1N 8.5.0. St Nav. Batum. Ru/
9.03-06 KNJAZ GAGAR1N R.D.St. Nav. Batum Ru/
1906 sold
06-07 KNJAZ GAGARIN no flag. ,",
7-18 ' NORD AI-EX1S owner unknown
18-21 ' MARS Ste. Affreteurs Reuis, Rauen Fr/
,21-23 APOSTOLOS D. Demetriades, Constantinople Gr/
1.01.23 burnt off Rumanian coast. . ,

11. pd.s..V1CTORIA 128 1867 Malmoe
67-92 owner unknown
92-96 V1CTOR1A B.S.D.St. Nav. - Ru/
no further information.

I2.. pd tug. PATRIOT 77 1892. Hartmann, Budapest.
92-03 PATRIOT B.S.D.St. Nav. Reni N 60 Ru/
9. 03-16 PATRIOT R.D.St Nav. Ru/'
29.11.16 ceptured at Korabia by KUK monitor.
7.12.16-19 BELENE KUK Navy ; AH/
19-25-7 8ELENE owner unknown Vienna Au/

13. pd tug. KORGL ALEKSANDR 1/273 1896 Linz. 550 HP. .
96-03 KORGL ALEKSANDR I. B.S.D.St Nav. Ren! N 27 Ru/
03-15 BELGRAD R.D.St NaV. Reni Ru/
14.10.15 on way to Serbia with 5 lighters captured at Lom Poljanka by Bulgarian steamer.
8.11.15-19 VARNA ulgarian Nav~ Bu/
, 22.10.18 damaged near Rustchuk by mine.
15.08.19 transfer to French Authority
no further information.

14. pd tug. SVJATO1 SERG1I 269 1899 Linz,
99-03 SVJATOI SERG1I B.S.D.St Nev.Ren! N 36 Ru/
9. 03-20 SVJATOI SERGII R.D.S~ Nav. Ren! Ru/
1920 seized by Soviet Government. ..
no further information.

15. s/s. M0RJAK 1217 1904 Schomer, Tonning.
line Galatz - Batum
line Galatz - Batum
04-05 FR1DA HORN H. Horn Lubek Ge/
05-22 MORJAK R.D.St. Nav. Odessa Ru/
1922 Sold at Constantinople.
23-24 MART1N J. Mordan Constantinople Br/
24-34 MORIAK J.Constant r1alta er/
34-38 MARIOS T. A.Teryazas Pireus Gr/
38-39 RLR.

16 tug WILKOWO 172 1900 . Bremer Vulkan, Vegesack 400 HP .
00-06 UNTERWESER 12. Schlep. Ges Unteweser Bremen Ge/
06-20 WILKOWO R;D.St Nav. . Reni N 69 Ru/
9.02.20 seized at Odessa by Soviet Government. .
20-21 Gunboat N 6 Soviet Navy . Ru/
22-43 SIME1Z Sovtorgflot Ru/
5.04.43 from Myshaio to Gelendijk sunk by mine.

17. tug PRUT 4B 1906 BIt. Danubius, Budapest.
06-19 PRUT R.D.S.St Nav. Reni N 85 Ru/
4 ? 19 sunk in Dniestr River.

18. pd.s.. .SHEVTSHENKO 145 1888 Beijitza Russia ,.
?-18 SHEVTSHENKO R.D.St Nav Reni N I2,o. RU/.
2.18 seized by Rumanians on Pruth River. .
no further information..

19. trawl .USPEH 169 1893. Grngem'th Dockyard Co.
93-03 '. SILANION Standard St Fishing Grimsby Br/
03-04 'St BERNARD Muiread Trawl. Ld . Grimsby Br/
04-10 St Bernard Grimsby Victor St Fishing Grimsby, Br/
10-2I USPEH, R.D.St Nav. Odessa Ru/
1922 sold abroad

20 . pas.s. RUS (11) I078 1906 Bergeunds. Stockholm. 14 n.
line Odessa - Galatz. .
06-22 RUS R.S,.S,t Nav.. Odessa Ru/ commissioned EON. Starr ship. .
1922 sold at Constantinople. Fr/
23-50 MARMARA submarine depot ship Turkish Navy Tu/

21. pas.s...VELIK1I KNJAZ ALEKSANDER MIHAILOV1TCH 1482 1907 Kockums, Malmo 18 n.,
llne Odessa - Galatz.
07-12 PR1NSESSIN MARGARETA. Finska ~Angf. Akt. Helsinki Ru/
12-23 VEL.KN. .ALEKSANDER M1HA1LOV1TCH.R.D.St Nav. Odesea Ru/
10.14-18 Dispatch vessel' Black Sea Fleet. ..
1923 sold at Constantinople. '
?'-26-46 KUMANOVO. Dubrovacka Plovidva. Dubrovnik Ya/
46-47 RLR. Very Likely wer Lass.

Two armoured launches KINJAL end SAB1JA 24 t. 1910 Blt. Putilov, St. Petersburg. 1-75 m/m., 2MG
transferred from Amur Flotilla in 1914 commissioned 10.14 at EON and fictitiously sold to R.D.St Nav.~ 1916 back to the Navy.

22-23 SYR1A ???? Fr/

Moreover in 1914 the R.D.St Nav. owned :
20 see lighters( together same 12.500 t.)
6 lighter tanks
14 other lighters
40 small barges.
28 pontoons end loading berths.

Sorry for all errours occured during OCR process.


#13 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 02 Январь 2007 - 00:38

P.Warneck (TBS 149 1/74)

Owner : Russian Danube St. Nav.

The figure that follows the Nr of the barge is her capacity in pouds
(1 poud = 16 Kgs) .

01 20.000 7 DEC 14 Scuttled on the Danube.
03 20.000 FEH 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
05 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
06 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
07 20.000 FEH 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
09 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
012 22.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
013 22.000, 4 DEC 14 Scuttled on the Danube.
014 22.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on' the Danube.
015 22.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
016 22.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube
018 18.000 29 FEB 18 Sunk in the Black Sea.
019 22.000 FEH 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
020 10.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
22 15.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube
022 10.000 12 DEC 15 Scuttled at Corabia.
N23 15.000 12 DEC 15 Captured at Corabia by Austria. Sunk. Renamed ZTL 18.
023 6.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube'
024 6.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
N25 30.000' 12 DEC 15 Seized at Corabia by Austria. Renamed ETL 13.
025 6.000 - FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
028 6.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
030 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
032 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
034 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
036 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube. Lost.
036 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
037 20.000 FEB.18 Scuttled near Jerbiany.
037 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube. 320t.
038 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
039 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube. .
040 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
041 20.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
42 18.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
N44 26.000 19.19 In French Service on the Danube. Tanker.
N45 26.000 1919 In French Service on the Danube. Tanker.
46 2,6.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
51 15.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
N55 30.000 12 DEC 15 Seized at Corabia by Austria. Tank. Rel1amed ETL Tank 4.
62 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
65 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
70 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
71 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
72 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
74 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
79 FEE 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
308 18.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
N309 18.000 7 OCT 15 Seized at Lom Palanka by Bulgaria.
N310 36.000 12. DEC 15 Captured at Corabia by Austria. Sunk. Renamed ZTL 43.
N312 20.000 12 DEC 15 Captured at Corabi~ by Austria. Sunk.
521 30.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
DUNAI N605 36.000 12 DEC 15 Captured at Corabia. Sunk. Renamed ZTL 15.
619 36.000 FEB 18 Abandoned on the Danube.
N718 42.000 7 OCT 15 Seized at Lom Palanka by Bulgaria.
N815 48.000 ( 24 NOV 14 ) Scuttled as blockship in the Polnotchy Pass
(9 JAN 15)
N816 48.000 (24 NOV 14) (9 JAN .15). Scuttled as blockship in the Polunotchy Pass.
N817 48.000 7 OCT 15 Seized at Lom Palanka by Bulgaria.
N902 20.000 12 DEC 15 Captured at Corabia by Austria. Sunk.
N904 18.0QO .12 DEC 15 Captured at Corabia by Austria. Sunk.

2 DEC 1915 = Serbian barges captured by the Russians at Corabia :


May 1918 Rumanian barges at Odessa :
IREM 1175t
SRD 10 925t.
SRD 19 1150t
KADNOS 1300t
SRD 28 1300t
SRD 33 1325t
MARICAL (Braila)
SRD 45 1500t
FRED 1150t
SRD 54 1500t
FREDO 1500t
NFR 651 650t (tank)
SIRAGO 1150t;
KAKO A 900t
POSTCLLO 7 2150t
SREGA 1450t.

May 1918 at Odessa :
651 Serbian barge 650t.
Austrian MM25 ex 67117 670t. from Vienna (Captured by Russia)
Austrian MM37 ex French 1000t. from Vienna (Captured by Russia)
Austrian MM38 ex 58 650t. from V1enna . (Captured by Russia)
MM41 (Captured by Russia)


#14 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 02 Январь 2007 - 01:51

20.5./23.7.1904 Schömer & Jensen, Tönning (53)
1022/631 2894/1787 1500
67,55‑10,19‑4,23 m
3fE 435x720x1190/800 800 2 13,0 244
Mascjhinen Werft ?
"Frida Horn", vom Stapel für Heinrich Christian Horn in Schleswig, während der Ausrüstung verkauft.
"Moriak" Russian Danube SN Co., Odessa (RUS).
10.3.1915 Russische Marine-Transporter.
4.3.1917 „BO 1“.
1918 in deutschen Händen.
191. an die Weißrussen.
1922 verkauft und "Martin" J. Mordan (K. Kallias & L. Teryazos), Constantinople (TUR).
1923 "Moriak" J. Constant, Malta (GBR).
April 1934 Anna L. Teryazos, Piraeus (GRC).
1934 "Marios T". 1936 (T. L. Teryazos).
März 1938 "Neringa" Reederei Sandelis Akc. Bendrove, Kowno (LTU).
1938 Hei­mathafeh Riga (LVA).
1.3.1938 auf Reise Bremen ‑ Memel mit Kali bei schwerem Wetter 7 sm S Hafeneinfahrt Memel/nahe Nidden auf der Neh­rung gestrandet, bei späteren Stürmen schlägt das Schiff leck und bricht auseinander.

29.9./Oktober 1900 Bremer Vulkan, Vegesack (440)
159/6 449/17 -
­31,18‑6,84‑3,28 m
3fE 340x550x880/600 400 1 13,0 134
Maschinen Werft 9
(16.10.1900) "Unterweser 12" Schleppschiffahrts Ges. "Unterweser", Bremen (DEU).
(17.8.1904) "Wilkowo" Russian Danube SN Co., Reni (RUS).
Russische Marine‑"N 6" Kanonenboot,
9.2.1920 in Odessa durch die Behörde beschlagnahmt.
1921 Rückgabe
1922 "Simeiz" (erst 1928 gemeldet).
1928 Sovtorflot, Odessa.
5.4.1943 auf Reise Myshoko - ­Gelendijk nach Minentreffer gesunken.


#15 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 02 Январь 2007 - 20:06

S.B.Bogatyrev & K.B.Streblitskiy

(=full list of ships, vessels and floating material of enemies
seized in august-september 1944 at Black Sea and lower Danube)

It shoud have 30 pages.

Perheps somebody have access to this publication:


#16 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 05 Январь 2007 - 09:04

Waoking on improved version I have fopund another vessel which after 1920 served for thr Soviet Merchant Fleet:

Steel Screw Cargo Steamer
1886 built
Compound 300ihp=12kts
??? origin
1914 (?) KSENIYA Russkoye Dunayskoe Parakhodstvo
1915 KSENIYA EON Danube (armed 2.75mm 3-47mm 2 MG)
1922 KHORLY Mortran
??? fates


#17 Andreas von Mach

Andreas von Mach


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Отправлено 05 Январь 2007 - 14:37




#18 Yan



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  • Город:г. Гамбург, Германия

Отправлено 06 Январь 2007 - 21:18

Hallo, Andreas,

Vielen Dank dir fuer deine sehr interessanten Fotos und Informationen ! Damit konnten wir unsere Kenntnisse zu unserer Zufriedenheit sehr stark erweitern ! Wir werden immer sehr dankbar dir fuer etwas neues ueber historische Sowjetische / Russische / Ukrainische Fluess- bzw. Hochseeschiffe und Schiffsfahrt.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Yan Pichynevskyi
История морского пассажирского флота Украины

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