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Отправлено 27 Май 2004 - 01:02

Плавучие несамоходные заправочные станции дизель/бензин под надзором Польского морского Регистра (PRS).


Стоимость станции: 300.000 Евро + доставка.
Доставка возможна и наземным транспортом.
Техническая документация и фото по запросу на наш e-mail: prs@shipmarket.net .

Сроки изготовления и поставки 10 недель.
Набираем дистрибютеров.

Floating Petrol Station for Lotos Group is built according to Polish Ship Register Classification Rules for Inland Ships from 1987 year.


FPS will serve as fuel and oils supply vessel for small sea and inland crafts on inland waters of diverse sports and technical quays. On FPS there are tanks intended for diesel oil and unleaded fuel 95 octane.

1.1. Propulsion

FPS will not possess its own propulsion and will be towed to service destination.

1. 2. Area of shipping and mooring.

Place of mooring will be found in 3 region, towage will take place for unloaded FPS in 2 region of shipping.
Place of mooring itself will be equipped in water- sewage - electric connections and mooring devices.
Station will moor to wharfs on Port Side . Starboard is adapted for mooring crafts that are to be provided in fuel.

1. 3. Main dimensions:

Length o.a. - 11, 70 m
Moulded length - 11, 50 m
Breadth o.a. - 4. 90 m
Moulded Breadth - 4. 70 m
Height - 1. 80 m
Design Draft - 1. 40 m

1. 4. Structure subdivision.

Structure of container type adapted to transport on car semi trailer will be installed on Deck. There will be shop, social room for crew with cloak-room and WC, store, battery room and WC for customers in the container.

1. 5. Hull subdivision.

Hull will be divided on compartments:
- Cargo tanks ; separated from each other by cofferdam ; placed centrally and in double bottom,
Tanks with flat walls for better cleaning.
- Side water ballast tanks
- Fore peak and aft peak.

1. 6. Stability

Stability of FPS will fulfill requirements of Polish Ship Register rules for 3 region of shipping.

1. 7. Flooding

Partition of hull will assure to FPS buoyancy with one section.

1. 8. FPS hull

FPS hull will be made of steel grade A according to Polish Ship Register rules . FPS will have double ship's sides and double bottom which will fulfill environment protection rules .
Hull will be divided along on 4 compartments by transverse bulkheads , cargo compartments will be bordered with 2 longitudinal bulkheads.
Shell of vessel's bottom, sides, longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, deck will be made of steel - thickness 5 mm.
Outer bottom will be stiffened with L100x75x8.
FPS’ sides, inner bottom, longitudinal & transverse bulkheads and deck will be stiffened with L75x50x6.
Deck above tanks will be stiffened on external side with FlatBars 150x5, stiffeners will be a foundation for container.
Basic electrodes will be used for manual welding .
Cofferdam will serve as room for ballast pumps. Pipelines will be placed in double bottom. Manholes to double bottom will be placed in cofferdam.

1. 9. Fender beam

Elastic fender beam will be installed round the hull. First line on heights of deck, second 350 mm below upper fender beam.


2. 1. Mooring devices

- 2 cruciform double bollard C2/95 and 2 bull ring 90x125 placed on PS intended for mooring
station to wharfs,
- 4 cruciform bollard C1/70 placed on SB intended for mooring crafts receiving fuel from station
- 2 cruciform bollard B3/114 placed in CL on aft and fore which will be used at possible
towing station to other place.
- 2 mooring polypropylene ropes Ж 20 mm, L= 25 m each
- 4 pcs fender beams Ж 200 x 400 mm placed on PS and SB.

2. 2. Manholes

Hull compartments will possess following locks:

Cargo tanks:
- round spreadtight manholes Ж520 mm with coaming h+250mm with cover shifted horizontally + additional inspection manhole Ж150mm
- coamingless oval manholes 400 x 600 mm

Ballast tanks, Aft and Fore peak, Dry tanks:
- coamingless oval manholes 400 x 600 mm

Dry bottom tanks, Fresh Water tank SB :
- coamingless oval manholes 400 x 500 mm

- manholes 530 x 530 mm placed on Main Deck

All oval coamingless manholes will be welded on shell and will have permanent marking of welded type appropriately to the tank.

2. 3. Internal and external communication

At manholes leading to compartments in hull there will be placed ladders 300 mm width with steps of steel square bar.
Main deck will be provided with steel railings of solid type - pipes Ж42,4 x 2,6 / Ж26,9 x 2,3 , heights 1000 mm.
Aluminum foot-bridge of 2, 0 m length will be provided for communication with land .


3. 1. Rooms in container

Container will be provided in following rooms:
- shop,
- social room
- store
- WC,
- shower,
- WC for customers,
- battery room

Rooms will be equipped in following equipment:

3.1.1. Shop

Shop equipment will be provided by owner ( except electric heater ).

3.1.2. Room social

- double clothing wardrobe
- chair,
- cupboard,
- console
- container on waste material - commercial type,
- rectifier for batteries,
- electric heater .

3.1.3. Store

- shelves
- main transformer,
- main switchboard,
- harbour switchboard ,
- emergency switchboard.

3.1.4. WC for crew and WC for customers

- toilet with seat board,
- washbasin with armature ,
- handle for toilet paper - commercial type,
- washbasin ( WC for customers only ).

3. 2. Doors

External door leading to rooms in container will be of gas-proof type 1900 x 700; 1900 x 650; 1900 x 550 mm ; insulated.
Internal door will be of light type 1900 x 650 and 1900 x 550 mm.

3. 3. Windows

Light type marine windows 1200 x 1000 and 700 x 1000 mm with slided bottom window ( in shop) and 600 x 1000 mm ( in social room) will be provided .
Windows will be equipped with roller blinds inside the container.

3. 4. Ventilation of rooms

Natural and mechanical ventilation will be used depended on requirements and needs .


4. 1. Ballast system.

Intended to level the pontoon in dependence on fuel contents in cargo tanks.
Ballast Pump efficiencies Q = 25 m3/h and heights of expression 40 msw. will receive water from seachest box. Filter and cutting off valves (making possible cleaning of filter) will be installed in water inlet line . Arrangement of pipelines and valves makes it possible to fill and vacation any of ballast tanks and pumping water between tanks.
Pump and valves of ballast system will be remote controlled from computer placed in shop.
Ballast tanks will be equipped in remote liquid level measure system .
Sensors of draft-measurement will be installed in the corners of pontoon to assure a necessary leveling of pontoon .
Pumps’ and remote controlled valves’ drive will be an antiblow and antispark type ,Eex class ed II T4.

4. 2. Bilge system.

Intended to drainage of all dry sections.
Suction pipeline equipped with non-return valve will be led out from every dry compartment. System will be served by two manual pumps. Water from dry compartments will be pumped out overboard.
Level sensor will be installed in every dry compartment signaling appearance of liquid .

4. 3. De-aerating system.

All tanks intended to storage liquid and every protected compartment will be equipped in de-aerating pipes.
Ballast tank and dry compartments de-aerating pipes will be ended with breathers protecting against getting water to tank and equipped in double antispark Ex nets.

Cargo tanks (fuel and oil) will be led out on. 0, 5 m over roof level of container and ended with leveling valves with opening expiratory pressure 1400 Pa and to pressure opening ripping valve 250 Pa. De-aerating of sanitary tank will be led out over level of container roof.

4. 4. Cargo loading system.

On FPS will be two loading tanks for unleaded fuel and for diesel oil .
Tanks will be filled from car tanks by special pipelines led out aboard and finished suitable connectors.
Fuel tank will be equipped in pipeline for evaporating mists during filling.
Remote controlled level measure devices will be installed in tanks to set alarm at filling 90% of tank volume and maximum level sensor to set alarm at 97, 5% of tank volume.
Distributor of fuels will be situated on Deck .
Distributor will be equipped in two pumps ( separate for each fuel type) sucking fuel from tanks.
Mists recovering system will be installed in fuel system pump .

4. 5. Fire-fighting system.

4. 5. 1. Cargo tanks extinction.

Cargo tanks extinction by built-in fire-fighting system using factor FE-36( hexafinoropropan).

4. 5. 2. Fire-fighting water system.

To extinctions of fire outside tanks will be used installation with two hydrants. Water will be given by ballast pumps, sucked from seachest.

4. 6. Sanitary installation.

Fresh water tank will be situated in cofferdam FR 11-13.
Tank will be filled from water installation from land.
Water from tank will be given to points of consumption by water-supply system.
Electric heater will be installed for heating up water.
Outflows from washbasins, shower and WC will be collected in sewage tank. Sewage tank will be emptied by sanitary car.

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